25 days of Christmas 🐂 posting & shenanigans!

Andrea Koury Judkins
3 min readDec 2, 2024


🚬🐓🐟 & the 🐰 #GameStop NerdyInvestors

The air is thick with anticipation. I can feel each breath moving through my chest as I press myself against the cold earth, watching, waiting. My fellow soldiers are beside me — some so still they could be statues, others making those small, nervous movements that betray the tension we all feel.

We’ve been trained for this — holding the line. Not just the physical line before us, but the invisible one that separates order from chaos, security from vulnerability. In these moments of stillness, my mind wanders to the world we’re protecting, how it seems to spin faster and more frantically with each passing day.

The intelligence reports tell us what we already feel in our bones: the world is growing more unpredictable. Threats don’t announce themselves with uniformed armies anymore. They creep in through the shadows, through the spaces between keystrokes, through whispered half-truths and digital deceptions.

My sergeant once told me that being a soldier isn’t about the moments of action — it’s about the endless hours of vigilance. “The battle,” he said, “is won in the watching.” How right he was. Here in my position, every sense is heightened. The rustle of leaves could be the wind, or it could be something more. The distant echo could be thunder, or something else entirely.

To my brothers and sisters back home: hunker down. Take notes from what we’ve learned out here. Awareness isn’t paranoia — it’s preparation. Watch your surroundings like we watch our sectors. Build your networks like we build our fortifications. Trust your instincts like we trust our training.

The world may be getting haughtier, more arrogant in its assumed invulnerability, but we know better. We know that safety isn’t a gift — it’s a duty, a constant effort, a line that must be held. Whether you’re in uniform or civilian clothes, you’re part of this line. Every alert citizen, every cautious parent, every vigilant neighbor — you’re all holding the line with us.

The sun is setting now, painting the sky in colors that remind me of home. But I stay focused. Because that’s what holding the line means — remaining steadfast when others might waver, staying alert when others might rest. The night is coming, and with it, the greatest need for vigilance.

To hold the line is to believe in something greater than yourself. It’s about protecting not just what is, but what could be. So we wait, we watch, and we stand ready. Because that’s what soldiers do. That’s what we all must do.

Stay sharp. Stay ready. Hold the line.

#SmokingChickenFish 🚬🐓🐟

$Buck #BucktheBunny $GME $AMC



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