A Personal Perspective on the History of Recessions: Embracing Stillness and Unity
Be still. Let go, let God
My story:
The history of recessions is often narrated through the lens of economic data, political maneuvers, and policy decisions. From my perspective, however, the story of recessions is more about the human experience — how we react, how we are manipulated, and how we can choose to respond differently. Born in 1980, I’ve seen the ebb and flow of economic tides and witnessed firsthand the impact of financial crises. But amidst the chaos, I’ve found a different path: one of stillness, faith, and community.
The Manipulation of Fear
Politicians, bankers, and those who wield power over our economy thrive on fear. They perpetuate a cycle of anxiety that keeps us dependent on their solutions, turning us into fearful followers rather than empowered individuals. It’s a strategy as old as time: keep the populace scared, and they will run to you for protection. But we need to break this cycle.
Misdiagnosed and Misled
In 1980, I was born into a world already embroiled in economic uncertainty. They misdiagnosed me, just as they misdiagnose the root causes of our financial troubles. Our government has long strayed from serving the American people, becoming an entity that often seems more interested in maintaining power than in fostering true prosperity.
Finding Strength in Community
Instead of succumbing to fear, we need to turn to our neighbors and build strong, supportive communities. These are our true allies, the people who believe in our ability to thrive as long as we stay connected. Division is the enemy’s tool; unity is our shield. By knowing and supporting each other, we can create a resilient network that no recession can break.
Biblical Parallels
There are numerous biblical stories and verses that resonate with our current struggles. My mother passed away in 1987, the same year as Black Monday, a devastating stock market crash. At the time, I didn’t fully understand the connection, but looking back, I see the parallels. Just as the Israelites faced countless trials and tribulations, so do we. Yet, God never abandoned them, and He won’t abandon us. We must pray for our families, friends, and even our foes, trusting that God will guide us through.
Rejecting False Idols
We are in turmoil because too many have played God, assuming roles and powers that were never theirs to wield. This is not how Jesus or God intended us to live. I urge you, in the name of Jesus, to calm down, take a deep breath, and be still. Reflect on your surroundings and do your research. Don’t let anyone into your life who doesn’t have your best interests at heart. Trust in God’s wisdom and judgment.
Embracing Faith and Unity
Despite the challenges we face, we can get through this together. Our strength lies in our faith, our belief in our self-worth, and our unity. Life’s battles may be fierce, but with vigilance, strength, and forgiveness, we can overcome. Forgiveness doesn’t mean rekindling broken relationships; it means letting go and trusting God to handle the rest.
In the face of economic adversity, we must reject fear and embrace stillness, faith, and community. By turning to our neighbors and building strong connections, we can create a support network that withstands any recession. Remember, we are not alone. God is with us, guiding us through the storm. So, stay strong, stay vigilant, and most importantly, stay nerdy.