ENS is the way to beat inflation

Andrea Koury Judkins
5 min readOct 2, 2022


ENS Domains fascinate me. I bought one recently in hopes to find others that might want to explore ENS with me. I clearly see there’s a market that could capitalize be built better off the .com streak. We need to develop stuff instead of buying it in hopes to gonk someone who just wants the name because they think it will go with the narrative. Now, recently I bought FRBO.ETH. Why? I want to develop a rental portal.


So many young adults, Gen X & Millennials are having a hell of a time sustaining cash because inflation is literally eating it. So is corporate greed. Wall Street is pure greed. There is no credit. Many are using cash or credit. Where is the balance? Where can we find the balance between chaos & eating those who aren’t credit secure or don’t have a million dollars at their disposal?

Mainstream banking is trying to push credit cards, debt of rent. Their solution to rising costs is credit, well how can you get that when 90% of Americans can barely afford to live, barely by check. I would honestly suggest looking at online crypto options. There are several there that I’ll spell out that I’ve found but tell me how insane that is. They want you to be buried by more debt. Which leaves a chain to you.

We need to be talking about every day crypto, which is why I bought FRBO.ETH, and I’ll tell you the reason why. I think Rent Payments shouldn’t ever be used with a credit card. That’s an absolute nightmare to even fathom or think about.

We need a sustainable solution & being eaten alive by the greed of Credit & Corporate America. Isn’t the answer.

My vision with this new venture. I like to have my fingers in as many jars as possible. Anyways, back to a serious note. What’s wrong with using platforms to encourage ideas to flow. You are capable. Its not just big people with big ideas. We need this, right now.

So. Back to ENS domains. They are basically next level domaining but this time its connected to the blockchain & its more of a signature. More of a way. For example. Let’s look at my name. The reason I bought this is because I understand the basics of simplicity. I want it to be easy & so do you. What if there was a way. Where you could link your rent payment & it’s connected & it can work in your favor for everyone to pay rent. There is no reason to rack up more credit. More debt. This is the system that’s been trying to eat you up. By creating more ways to snare you in debt. Who wants debt?

Here is a basic rundown of how ENS can benefit you…

“Since Ethereum uses long encrypted addresses, users are forced to copy/paste the address to request payment. They can also send QR codes instead of the 42-character ETH address, but it’s not much easier. So, wouldn’t it be nice to look up “chrisbell.eth” to find my associated ETH address? If I tell the ENS system that chrisbell.eth is associated with “0xDDd3964D75D59B6B6d5c31eB313BBA5EBF076364” (my ETH address), then wallet providers can look up my address. Once that is set up my wallet allows me to request Ethereum and all Ethereum tokens with chrisbell.eth. Simply, use your favorite wallet on any device to type “chrisbell.eth” into the SEND box and you’ll see my address popup to confirm. You need an ETH address and you need to own an ENS name to point the name to the address. Therefore, you can imagine that short names like “chris.eth” would be worth more than “christopherbell.eth”, which creates a strong secondary market of names for sale.”


That in itself is priceless. The way the dollar & the pound are acting. The way the markets are reliant on these entities that have been manipulated by man, by greed. Here is an opportunity where you can take control of your life. Your finances. Screw the way the government has been handling the finances of US. YOU. Mind you, I have nothing to lose writing this. Know why? I was a foster care system. The system allowed my caregivers to take advantage of the system by using my mom’s death & my disabilities. If you need to hear anything. Here it is. The government isn’t here to help you or if they were. They would’ve, right?

They give you the psychological bare minimum that won’t get you heated to the point where you look around in confusion & then its anger at the first person you see, and you can essentially see where this is going. I’m not here to rant & go on tirade but I will give you all the ammunition I know to give you to survive. The worst is coming and has been here. Protect yourselves. Look at other options. Screw others who shame you for surviving. Just think of them as brainwashed. Think of them still attached to a system that will kill them for whatever monetary value they can get from you. It’s depressing, I know but there’s hope. There’s fight.

Crypto is a fight but so is money, right? Funds are getting weirdly tighter. I rather have a form of crypto than anything else. I mean there’s crypto out there that’s trying to do anything & everything. Instead of going to a government where they refuse to hold itself accountable. Isn’t it time to look beyond that cesspool? I’m very excited about what the future holds. What will happen next.

Back to ENS domains. You ever see that movie, Real Player One? It hits home with .com names. There’s no like personal link, anymore. I don’t know I think after this pandemic & then just trying to carry on. I find my mind drifting to a way we can eliminate the discomforts. Ah, I find myself rambling.

I’m literally encouraging people to look beyond. Don’t get hopeful or despairing. Its not necessary. They want you to think you are in a bear market & nothing can happen when they’re asleep. They’re going to hate it here, but you are going to love it because you will be FREE. CRYPTO FREES you. It certainly does.

I’m constantly fascinated by ENS names because if you snag your name or your last name. You can make it to where that’s your family wallet. There is obviously security issues and risks but there is solutions & I will post them as I go along.

I currently listed FRBO.ETH for 88 ETH on OPENSEA. I hope to network with others who are builders, developers, & have a vision of the future.



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