Gary Gensler’s Crusade Against Crypto is affecting the Stock Market

Andrea Koury Judkins
4 min readNov 30, 2022


The US Gov’t wants to implement their rules before the stock market will correct. These DeFi collapses aren’t accidental. These are intentional. I have never been so convinced in my life on that what I feel needs to be said.

Gary Gensler is against crypto the same way Ronald Reagan waged war against marijuana. He doesn’t see any use because he can’t nor will he try to understand. It’s about control. Once they lose control. They’ll have to start holding everyone accountable. Does that work you guys? The narrative that I see coming together & mind you. This is just observation. This is just another person who deeply cares about my community, about humanity.

I grew up in the system. My mom died; my mom’s sisters cashed in, & 6 years later I was in foster care. From the beginning, I knew how the system works. The Government doesn’t care about you. We all know this. They want to be able to access your data at any time. Your money, who you are with. It’s quite scary if you ask me. I don’t like to broadcast things because it never seems to play out favorable. It’s like they always win. They will claim nothing can be done. But it can but its all about the money. I can recall when I was younger whether the state paid on time, beginning of the month, there was always a tizzy & a lot of I love you’s & but where’s the money? Quietly where no one thought I could hear. So, our government is very transactional. They won’t tell you this. The Gov is great to hide behind, do questionable or even border lining (Grey area/unethical practices) on creating situations that aren’t necessary.

It’s been bugging me hard. They, as in the ones who want to know where your money goes. I’m sorry but SOLANA needs to reimaged & let this chain rid all of the junk & money laundering projects. You and I could set up an opportunity to trace everything, it would be extensive. You need to draw all your money out. I really believe in my heart, they will slowly tank this until its zero & continue to find suckers. I mean, you don’t see it until you move through the whole experience. I also believe that some of these NFT projects are connected to where money is flowing for the stock market.

There is nothing to gain from what I’m saying. I’m an active retail investor and I don’t like what I’m seeing. I’m very concerned our government is being enabled by actors posing as public servants.

There’s been a lot of chatter over #CBDC’s. Be very aware of your money right now. It’s imperative. They want to paint the picture that the chain is bad. No, just like guns. That gun is not doing anything to you until you pick it up. You need to educate & the government isn’t going to educate you in a way that say, someone who doesn’t have interest in your money & how you are spending. Where you are spending it.

A few months back, PayPal tried to slip they were going to automatically charge you for bad behavior. They’ve been wanting to do it for years. Gary Gensler is stalling. He’s stalling & its prolonging, because he wants his tentacles in what you are doing when the stock market crashes & it’s sad to say, that will be coming a lot faster than we are comfortable with.

They want to tank SOLANA & blame it on instability & how you need to trust their word. They will probably do something that enables you to be indebted, just as they did with #stimulus money. Hopefully people were smart. This is not the time to start trusting them. The thing we are seeing right now with our government is the age-old tricks, we’re all privy to them & if you aren’t, a simple search will hopefully show you what is happening.

This is simply the government continuing to make you reliant on them. They have their system, that works for them to just take your money. Sam BF took advantage & Gary Gensler enabled it. Their sole purpose was to create disarray & chaos. Instead, I hope it enables you to reach out to your peers. You aren’t safe from what the lack of transparency the SEC is currently displaying.

In as simple as I can describe, I’ll be explaining how the scam is being perpetrated & how it looks promising, but I genuinely believe Gary Gensler is letting this keep going until Solana is crashed & it’s on us. This is what I call a boot strap plan of bailing out Banks, HFs & MMs.

Please refer to my presentation:

Solana Poker City. You will notice on their site you are to buy 5 SOL= You can get 1 SOL, equivalent to 1000 $PKR. No matter what. First Flag: You automatically get a 1000 $PKR right off the bat, no matter what the price is. There are so many different intricacies that didn’t necessarily add up. I mean, what if the price goes up or down, shouldn’t that affect the micro coins or whatever? I’m not the best with math, so if I am at fault. Please message me. I am always open for discussion.

Next red flag that will alarm you. The Bots at the poker table & you NEVER have enough to sit at the table. Please help me understand. In my mind, the micro poker chip isn’t enough. Should you have actual players.

The most important flag I’m raising is cashing out. The cash out is simple. You won’t unless you have direct SOLANA right now. These projects are farces. A week ago, Solana was pumping JUST their NFT projects & that got me wondering. When you deposit into these projects. You essentially aren’t getting your money. They use Magic Eden as their plate because in my opinion. It’s not a huge platform. Whenever someone deposits into a project or even in the chain. It immediately drops which in my head, means someone was able to cash out on the other side



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