I’m obsessed w/WeBull recently & why you should be too…

Andrea Koury Judkins
8 min readOct 25, 2022


I just like spinning the wheel. That webull wheel is my fixation. Thats it. I just want to click & see the wheel spin. I have yet to hit a stock over $3,000. I want to experience that feeling so I keep inviting people. I keep thinking of ways I can get more people to sign up. I encourage my friends to sign up because thats 60–180 on average in actual money, they can consolidate & buy a week’s worth of groceries. If you are looking for ways to hustle extra money & you don’t want to spend your time feeling deflated by the spiraling low cost orders GrubHub & Doordash keep slinging you. I am feeling very much like an anarchist, like what the hell man?

Why are we all in this slump. My $7.00 dollar bag of chips had 14 chips in it, I swear. Aren’t you guys tired of being knocked down by corporate greed. I mean, 10 years ago. People looked down on people who looked at alternative ways of making money. You really shouldn’t. I know 90% of the population suffers some sort of mental issue whether its anxiety, so why not mesh a few things together & help yourself be more sustainable.

I don’t meant to come off as abrasive & I don’t apologize if you feel offended by my words but I genuinely care & I wouldn’t be writing this if I didn’t. You know, there’s something to having passive income that you can directly touch. I know this sounds crazy, but think of all the people out doing grubhub orders for 3–4 dollars on average for unnecessary use on your car for someone else who has already disrespected your time right off the bat.

Keep the apps, they all become useful for their purpose when its absolutely dire.

Look, I’m just going to break it down for you. They have gaslit you about making money. They’ve brainwashed you into thinking you aren’t worth the amount of money THEY’VE set. Yes, it’s okay to be reasonable, but I would rather go after corporations by taking money to build better for my family & community. They, when I say they. Banks, media, your government have literally trapped you in this bubble. Trust me, I’ve been stuck in their bubble for a long time. Unfortunately it happens to kids in the system & the stain stays with us for a lifetime. People like to think the government is for you, & some it is. There’s no denying that. Listen you need to survive now & here is a surefire to get yourself some serious money if you put your eggs in order. Let me break it down for you.

  1. You get the account, fund it with the min. 5. Maybe this is something you want to do. Now, this isn’t financial advice & you are your own person. I have done this a lot. I’m not one to flex but lately, my account is been steady at $1.10 & wifey likes food. Your kids probably like food or maybe you want to take Wall Street for a run for their money. It’s really up to you but just think. You are taking money from these corps, whether you realize it or not. I just encourage you to be smart with your time because its all you have, you know what I mean?
  2. Once you get the account. You get to have the opportunity to open your prize. What I have done with my neurotic self is to keep finding ways to do low cost ways to drive traffic, honestly. It’s more of the challenge as I want to reorganize how my portfolio. Most these affiliate gags are just that. You think you shouldn’t do it because others judge right off the bat then follows the herd mentality. Let that go, another example of being brainwashed by others that don’t want you to have money. When someone looks down on your idea, they often times are jealous, angry at their own situation & when you come along with a plan. They, (negative friend/family/stranger) When you hear the negative energy. Get outta there! Seriously, you are hungry! You know you have the idea. You know it will happen. Where our insecurity hits us, we stop but I really encourage you not to, there’s eager people who know you are out there & you both will win. There’s so much more beyond. I promise. I’ve been there.

Story time. I was a foster kid, they always had me in a box finagled & shaped in a way where it could get more money for themselves using me as their prop. It’s a disgusting system. Very very demoralizing, dehumanizing. It just sucks & I see the system working in others judgments towards other. Here I am, wondering how we are so judgmental that we rather see us all starve. That’s such a piss poor attitude, huh? Why would you want to be around that ish?!? OMG, I can’t. I want you to break it. I want you to love yourself, feel confident in you! You know, judgment in your fellow neighbor is exactly what Jesus taught us not to do. Yet, we do it all the time. Right down to a woman’s body. It’s crazy, right? Like, do you like being restricted to just this landscape. You like being told, hey. I wouldn’t do that, & it prevents you from eating food, paying your bill or just doing what you want to do.

Crazy, I tell you. I’m literally free balling, rambling with this because I really need you feel the burst of passion, the confidence to DEVISE your own STRATEGY to making money on a regular basis no matter what. If you are anything like me & probably your neighbor, living money to money. Its intense, I’m constantly spinning my wheels thinking of ideas. This is the time where you just hustle for the bare min, while we wait for the dam to burst! We all know its coming, we just have that uncertainty of what direction it’s going. I like to think very positive, maybe too much hopium but that’s me. I am all love & a different outlook. I can’t help it. Every journey in my life has been hard & its been hard to cope with but I deal with it. You should be able to know life’s crazy but you have me here to help you make some cash. Make some headway, lessen the stress. Use this opportunity to talk to more people. They don’t sign up, who cares? You met someone new. You got an opportunity to figure a new strategy.

Life’s about experiences. You are not a worker bee. You are a social being that has needs. You have great needs. You have exponential needs that desire to be met. It’s just human nature. What’s happened is a whole lot of brain washing & shenanigans that prevent you from making money. You know I’m right. You right too, though. I wish my voice carried, well it does in person but the internet is something else which is why I use Webull to pull in extra side cash when Grubhub & Doordash seem so tedious. I met a dude who was doing it because he wanted to take a science course. WE ARE IN THIS TO FIGHT. What are we fighting for? To break these stupid “societal” rules that prevent you from being your most authentic self! Do away with that nonsense, fam!

They want to criticize you for being an emotional investor? Who are they to judge you? They are in that SAME EXACT stock! “Well, they are institutional buys.” Guys, guys. I have been in some heavy plays & yet none changed my outlook, I would swing, scalp, splice, whatever I could to make it work. I was so fixated on money that I missed the whole point! It was insanity how much I was leaving on the table. I left maps, compasses & water bottles. With some redirection from my inner self, another thing people LOVE to knock each other down for is self awareness. What’s life without a lil self awareness. Eh, the perks of growing up in the system is you are therapied to death but thats okay, because life tends to get unreadable & its nice to know the textbook terms of what I’m going through.

Anyways, anyways. I fully encourage you to hustle, get what you need to survive. It’s getting dicey out there. Like even dicier than I like to feel & I live on the edge. Crazy how much I was just literally walking on the edge worrying about what other people will think or say. I realized their words don’t get me fuel to think, coffee to drink or a bed to sleep in. Hopefully this will resonate with you to get yourself motivated to stay outside the box. Stay true to you, your family. Your dog, yo.

Now, get on Webull.. look around, you’ll see all types of ideas there. I really wanted to understand the stock market 3 years ago before the pandemic & its silly. I had time but I had priorities that were different than they are now. When the pandemic hit. Time seem to be all I had. I finished my video game, then read 4 books & was like, oh! How about I understand the market more. Its corrupted like a bad disk in a 1994 apple MAC box. I started doing it because I would take the money I would make & put it in crypto. It adds up really fast. I know it’ll seem bleak at first but I’m telling you, it adds up. I would take my grubhub, doordash earnings & it was tedious & the balance between it sucked. Literally. If it I kept it Webull, I one time made $600 in referrals, right & that went down to $200. Of course, that irritated me. REMEMBER IN AFFILIATE STUFF. YOUR TIME IS IMPORTANT!

I figure the lesser of two evils is pushing for Webull referrals & meeting new people. Discussing ideas of what to invest in and what not to invest in. That type of thing is what I strive for. I want everyone to follow me because I want to lead us out of this rut. I hate being in a collective rut with people when I know we don’t deserve it. I don’t like these businesses because they exploit people but I’m at the point, we sit in a collective exploited bubble & I want to break us out of there! I also have been putting my Webull money in #LunaClassic. Maybe Webull will list them. Sometimes, a new beginning will be upon us & life will be awesome. In the meantime, open yourself up. Do the bare minimum. Breathe. Don’t let the bullies & their talking pieces reside in your head too much.

Lets get that money. Lets maintain your peace! Stay tuned for more wacky ideas & writings.



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