Imbalances: A Personal Perspective

Andrea Koury Judkins
3 min readAug 6, 2024


Riding Solo: Praising God all the way!

I find myself again having to pull off to the side of the road. This is crazy. Sometimes, the chaos of life demands a moment of stillness to gather one’s thoughts. In these quiet moments, I reflect on the imbalances I see around me, both in the stock market and in society at large.

Let’s start with the stock market. A concept that often comes up in my thoughts is the “dead cat bounce.” This term describes a temporary recovery in the price of a declining stock, often misleading investors into thinking it’s on the rebound when it’s merely a brief uptick before continuing its downward trend. This phenomenon exemplifies how deceptive appearances can be, leading many to false hope and financial missteps. It’s a stark reminder of the volatility and unpredictability inherent in financial markets.

I’m very worried for my in-laws. Yet despite this worry, I find solace in my faith. I give thanks to God and for Christ paving the way. He’s shown us a path of righteousness and wisdom, yet we repeatedly ignore it, falling into the same traps of greed, fear, and division. I pray we don’t let the government sway our American 🇺🇸 tax 💵 unjustly, as they often do, leading to crises that could have been prevented — crises like the one that exposed Bernie Madoff.

Back in 2001, the financial turbulence and political dissent were palpable. It was a time of uncertainty and mistrust, much like today. I don’t get democrats. I don’t get republicans. What I do get is common sense. When politicians lie on national TV and get caught, why should I trust them or their families? This constant deceit influences how I make my decisions, and despite growing older and wiser, I’m often shut down by those deeply entrenched in their political beliefs. To them, I seem naive or moronic because I refuse to buy into their polarized views.

This is what happens with herd mentality. People are treated as fools, blindly following leaders who do not have their best interests at heart. A genuine person would strive to build their community, not exploit it. The debate over salaries — whether they are necessary or excessive — highlights another imbalance. Where’s the balance in fair compensation and community support?

As I continue to unravel my purpose with Nerdy Investors, I can only hope to offer comfort in knowing we will get through this. Our initiative aims to foster a sense of unity and purpose, bridging gaps and addressing imbalances. We are on the brink of a revolution, one that is far more powerful than any human army or devil. God doesn’t believe in fear of missing out (FOMO); He already knows what to expect. Thy will be done.

In the end, it’s about striving for balance — balancing faith with action, hope with realism, and community with individualism. Only then can we overcome the imbalances that plague our society and build a future that honors the path Christ paved for us.



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