It’s like money’s nowhere to be found..

Andrea Koury Judkins
7 min readOct 27, 2022


We, like as in all of us have been gaslighted into thinking there isn’t anything out there for us, because it’s been designed to be as such. I have a hard time comprehending why people are living money to money. It seems harder & harder to pull money out of the bank, out of the stock market, out of pensions, etc.. The list really does go on.

These are just my opinions, my thoughts, & what I constantly circle back to. I want to teach you some new lingo that I’ve been learning while hurriedly trying to absorb everything. There’s something very crazy in the air & in the energy, I don’t like to think I’m lazy, but I don’t prioritize my time & what I feel needs to be done. Here’s the word I’ve been feeling lately.

Rug Pull. Its a very weird phrase, right? Like, what is this? This is what I think US Govt, Big banks & very powerful, not so great people are going to do. We are discovering Wall Street has been doing to US & other countries, therefore making it a global thing. I believe Putin’s war is a distraction, a sick & demented fucked up distraction. It all leads back to money. I believe the Global Markets are about to be rug pulled if we don’t start fighting back. It’s getting more & more gruesome as it goes by. It’s affecting communities. This is getting to us, we are being affected.

You know what I mean, we’ve been so brainwashed. I have been as well as a beneficial thing. Sometimes I think I’m the crazy one & maybe I might be, who knows but I genuinely believe we’re about to be screwed.

Gary Gensler has been against crypto, now hear me out, you ever remember as a kid watching those kid movies where one kid tries to save the world while the bad guys are 2 seconds there & the kids trying to fend them off? That’s what it feels like right now. I hope you are getting angrier as the days go by, I hope the fear of seeing your sister, your daughter have to keep struggling & you literally can’t do anything, because well you’re strapped too!

Recently, why I’ve been telling people about my lil side hustles to keep me going & just keep me somewhat flush. Also, don’t you DARE give up or feel hopeless because that’s what they (the ones living it up & worried they might have to actually join society whether behind bars or in mainstream) I really don’t recommend doordash, or grubhub, but check this out. I have been hearing that NETFLIX is hiring taggers for like 45 bucks an hour, now I gotta talk to you guys about these hustles. These are JUST that, hustles. I see some of you out there. Yeah, you. Listen, you are meant for better than any hustle. This is just to bide your time, make yourself eat & get what you can done. It’s a struggle but over the course of the next few essays that I can think of. I’ll go in some in depth strategies of what you can do while we wait for the storm to hit us, knock us down BUT at least we’ll have assets to add to our wealth. Think of ALL the hobbies & adventures you’ll be embarking on while not worrying, not stressing. Or minimal. Recently, I’ve been thinking I need to reach out & help however I can, whether its a 5–10 min read with me. I have some funny stories & ideas that can utilized. It’s going to be okay.

There were pivotal & I mean pivotal moments in history where there was an incredulous struggle between money, class, & inequality. These men are small behind the curtain. WE are the infinitely powerful ones. It’s their one group with, yes many micro groups, but the thing about that & this is something I’ve witnessed. Groups often times break up because everyone wants to be in power. Everyone wants to think THEY know best when they probably couldn’t even tell you where west is. I know that stuff confuses me. It doesn’t when I’m prepared.

The stock market is going to crash, there’s no denying that but does anyone ever wonder why is it taking so long? Why aren’t we getting paid? Why aren’t we seeing anything? Trickle economics doesn’t work. Did you know in 25 days or less, diesel fuel reserves will be dried up, which will cause a HUGE ASS RIPPLE AFFECT.

Its getting crazy out there & no one’s prepared for the brutality, the evil of the situation. You are taught to never undermine your opponent, words count. Right now, we are undermining the elected officials. They have shown by how they vote, how they present themselves, how available they are, they are identified by a blue check here or there but at the end of the day. It should be US vs THEM at this point. They are DOING nothing to work for us, yeah yeah they’re scattered. Trust me, if they wanted to get things done. They would.

I know how the system eats you, and the people behind it act like there’s nothing they can do. When it can be, but who would it hurt? The greater good or their pocket book? Politicians are choosing their pocketbooks over saving America & our allies by pretending there’s nothing that can be done. Trust me when I say this, it’s lies. It always has been. We are living in terrible times & once we understand & grasp that. I can only hope we will be able to come together & rebuild again, even stronger.

You know how many people have been screwed, like royally screwed? Sometimes I wonder how I’ve survived as long as I have. My identity was stolen by a relative at a young age. Wreaked havoc & I used to think it ruined my life, but then I realized, this was my time to hopefully get people to recognize the government is using systems to go against you in order for them to drain it easier.

For example, look at Republicans. They are salivating over the SS. It’s evil but that’s what happens when you are so blinded by greed that either the plug needs to be pulled or you need to be locked up while the greater good continues. I feel insecure often times by my writing but I do so much legal writing & research that I just like to spit ball it during my lunch. I’m not saying Democrats are any better. Just as diabolical but they dress it up in a darker way. Democrats are very transactional people. Republicans tend to just want you to abide by their spiritual rules as they believe that’s the only way everyone is getting out of here. Both very messed up in thinking & absolute narcissistic entities, Democrat vs Republican. The individual person, sure that’s on them. They aren’t a case, or a number. They are a human being.

If I were you, I’d start looking at certain blockchains. I am currently having a torn relations with Solana & Cardano. It’s been agonizing to the point. I want to go look at others. So here’s what I decided to do, got paid. Was like I’ll buy 20 $SOL. Paid my friend who’s helping me with my upcoming NFT project. I am ready to do something fun & different. I’ve never done a collection before, but these are the things that I REALLY want to encourage you to look outside the box. I used to be able to finance whatever I want to do, but cash is tighter than well.. I can’t say stuff like that. If you can get a line of credit or something that enables you to be able to get yourself off. Think of the creativity you can have. I’m still struggling but I don’t want others to, so please take my thoughts or even ideas I may have. Use them for you as well. Again, I’m just freeballing it again.

You matter. You deserve to get ahead. Don’t let the media lie to you anymore. Turn it off. They’ve been corroding people for too long. I guess that’s one of the perks of being in the foster care system. It was always chaos & crazy so I wouldn’t understand news from that time unless huge commotion broke out. The system shields you from a lot. They do a lot. It’s very difficult to penetrate the system, and it depends on the person on how far they’ll willing to go to bend the favor of the system, when we all know it can be overridden.

For the sake of your own being, your well. The ones that matter the most. Stay alert, prepare. Look at different assets. The dollar is very, eh to me right now. I’m not here to promote anything but a new way of thinking & survival. You learn to be calm when life is constantly chaotic. You learn to insert yourself when needed when its chaotic. I’ll be back later with some more tidbits & ideas to keep yourself sustained. We’ve faced some intense times in history. There has been some recent downfalls because I believe we are being scared into conformity. LunaClassic collapsed yet one dude literally skirts away & everyone’s just half ass chasing. Trust me, from an investigative eye, again remember. They can get him, they can do whatever they want yet their ego/greed/desire for power is insatiable. Its crazy, I thought we only saw this in movies.



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