Just Invested in my first #DAO!

Andrea Koury Judkins
2 min readMar 12, 2022


Nerdy Chicks Dig Crypto- #ShibVinci

As you know, I have been tinkering around. Really getting my foot centered & to start helping others how I am learning. Last night as I was doing my research and daily cruising around. I saw someone on Youtube discuss more in regards to NFTs, how to make them, etc. I was fascinated! Once again. I felt like I was onto something.

Came across www.shibvinci.com & it’s a governance #dao. What’s that mean? Essentially in the most basic terms that I can say, is you are have a say in what they do with their supply. While it seems exciting & if you love roller coasters. I got one for you because I have never really invested in this type of project. I AM SO EXCITED! I literally researched this and I really feel this is going to be the next big #NFT #DAO so.. keep an eye on it..

Now, I feel this is where I say. I am JUST AS NEW AS YOU! Please don’t follow me for financial advice, now while I think my research ways are fabulous. You might not think as highly as I do. So tread lightly, take my thoughts/ideals with a grain of salt & lets have fun exploring/learning new things!

They have a pretty active telegram thus far. The dev team seems to be active. What you are investing in is essentially the ability to create your own path with a bunch of like minded people.

#Shibavinci has an opensea collection that is voted on as in who can be in, etc. The whitepaper is located here: https://shibvinci.com/pdf/whitepaper.pdf

There’s just something very exciting about this project. Something that I have noticed is there is always a lull. There is always some type of uncertainty but you can usually garner the potential based on how the site, and community is. I find what I have noticed is if you can get in before the top 1000 investors & it is indeed a strong project. It can be an absolutely insane ride.

Currently there is a contest this weekend. Whoever has the biggest buy & holds it until Monday will win $2,500 bucks so there’s that incentive.

Very easy to find on uniswap. Know your comfort & stay tuned for more things I find and see.



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