Nerdy Chicks Dig Crypto

Andrea Koury Judkins
4 min readMar 9, 2022


Nerdy Chicks Dig Crypto — A group of diverse females surrounded by all the different crypto assets.

My name is Andrea Koury Judkins, I want to create a group that is focused on creating income, learning new angles & helping others. My sidekick, Brad totally supports my journey & my vision. Is going to help me with this journey.

I was born looking different from the average baby. Life had its major downfalls, but that’s besides the point.

My vision is vast. I would like to diminish food & shelter insecurity but in order to do this. I also want to maintain a period where we embraced each other, loved each other as neighbors. There are so many things that go through my mind, constantly.

I constantly find myself in the middle of things, but this is one project I am determined to see through because it’s my hope, that it helps you build a better tomorrow for your tomorrow.

I have a thirst for the simplest way to make things work for me.

I have this fascination with crypto & learning everything about it. I tend to run towards things headfirst. Sometimes I’ll run into it without thinking it completely through. There is so many questions that run through my head. Ideas that I have with no rhyme or thought on whether it could be compatible. When I was in school, I was all over it. I understood everything. I was ready, but then real life hit and here I am.

What do I do, where do I start, how much should I invest, where should I invest, should I do that? What about this. Tell me how that works again, oooo 10 second million-dollar loans, flash loans, arbitrage, make money doing what, oh man asa, algo, matic, cardano, who’s the best? What benefits me.

See that last thing I stated? What will benefit you? What will help you? I started this journey many years ago. I started crypto trying to understand things years ago & quite honestly. I invested, just left it alone because I had no idea what was happening or what I was doing. I understood basic ideals and I understood basic concepts. Like, never sell at a loss. So imagine when I see my investments. There I am. Just like, oh well.. I can’t sell it. I find other ways to supplement my income.

How do I do this? Where should I start?

I am not going to sit here and sugar coat anything. My investments are very much all over the place. Not even going to lie, so I started talking to my friend Brad who is absolutely the coolest dude ever and he expressed he too related with me! Maybe I should’ve named the community with Nerdy Chick with side kick Digs Crypto, but honestly. There’s a lot of me’s out there just trying to live their best lives.

Thinking about it, I look at this in the sense of working smarter, not harder. Life has been so stagnant that experiences is all I am about. Need to be able to entertain myself while learn, yeah?

Most of my content will be edited or checked twice because there is a great fight against misinformation. I am not incredibly wealthy. I look at crypto in the sense that it can make me money & that has became my hobby. My hobby is helping myself learn, and help others learn while we find life experiences.

Recently, I started thinking about what would greatly make me happy. What would make me excited. The things that I truly enjoy are

1. Sports Collectibles & collecting

2. Crypto, Digital Art & NFT’s

3. Then while I was doing some hustle work, I thought about the top 5 crypto communities I wouldn’t mind trying to build.

4. Chicken Recipes & collaborating with others about good food and different concoctions. See, I am all over the map but my hope is that I can sustain it to where it all comes together & makes sense as to who I am as a person. Who I am as an investor and where I see my life.

I really like cardano, solana, & algorand. These are interesting platforms to me. That will be the hub of my exploration but there will be times I decide to run with another angle or chain, just to see what it does and what usefulness it will be.

There is just SO MUCH about this entire space, it’s like you can be stuck for days in the metaverse and the defi land. Just trying to get it and absorb it.

The only “whale status” I have right now is with #Mononoke_Inu. I invested in this project back in November. It was intriguing to me at the time because it was the first time, I had been able to invest in a P2E platform so early in the development. That excited me. Now mind you, I had been involved in other “opportunities” when they really weren’t.

I was a bit leery because there was literally nothing about this project, but then it started trickling together to where now, they have their in-game currency, #fortune & there are talks with other bridges to work together.

UPDATE ABOUT #MONONOKEINU I closed this position. It was too inconsistent & not something for the short term investing community.

By the way, I am not a financial advisor, nor will I ever suggest you do something or follow me because well, why would you do that without doing your due diligence?

So, enjoy this space. Watch for more content as we progress. Very excited about this adventure!



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