Start Listening to the Inner Nerdy in you..
Talk to Jesus, he’s waiting
I get it.
People tend to clump together their negative experiences, dragging them around like a ball and chain. I know why I do it. It’s a defense mechanism, a way to make sense of the chaos.
But here’s the kicker: hedge funds, family funds, and the SEC see this, too. They exploit these distractions to manipulate you out of your money and assets. It’s a vicious cycle, but one that Jesus can stop — if you start listening to yourself. That’s God talking.
Why Aren’t We Getting Ahead?
God asks, “Why aren’t we getting ahead?” The answer is simple: our own hindrances. It’s not my job to manage your life, just as it’s not your job to manage mine. That’s why Jesus came. If you’re not bringing value — leave people alone. And no, it doesn’t always have to be about money. I see this in many aspects of life, especially as a female entrepreneur.
Godstincts and Positive Energy
I’ve been blessed beyond measure because I listen to my Godstincts. My prompts. I pray, I’m still, and I’m parked right where I need to be, spreading positivity. I spend my days watching the water, studying the Word, and staying in prayer. God has my back when I truly believe. He keeps the bad actors away from me because He knows exactly what we’re doing. Give it to God, follow your heart, and say what’s best for you.
Guarded and Guided by Faith
I am guarded, just as Jesus wakes us up to be. His words are often distorted or misinterpreted to fit others’ narratives. Sometimes, God lets it happen. Don’t get angry; give thanks. It could’ve been worse. Nerdy Investors, my heart bleeds for everyone, but there has to be a break to heal. That’s why Nerdy Investors has been building. This is God’s will.
Trust, Believe, and Build Community
Trust it, believe it, and develop a community around it. Nerdy Investors isn’t just a business; it’s a mission. We’re here to create a space where people can live unfettered by the manipulations of the world. We’re here to support each other and grow together in faith and prosperity.
The Bigger Picture
At the end of the day, we need to focus on what truly matters. It’s not about managing others’ lives or letting them manage ours. It’s about listening to God’s voice within us and following our divine path. We need to be still, pray, and trust in His guidance. Only then can we break free from the cycle of negativity and truly thrive.
Final Thoughts
As a female entrepreneur, I’ve learned to rely on my Godstincts and stay rooted in faith. This journey isn’t easy, but it’s worth it. God knows what we’re doing, and He’s guiding us every step of the way. So, give thanks, stay positive, and keep building.
Nerdy Investors is more than a business; it’s a testament to faith, resilience, and community. Let’s trust in God’s will and move forward together.
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