The Future of Luna Classic from an Investors’ perspective..

Andrea Koury Judkins
3 min readSep 25, 2022


The future of Luna Classic from my perspective as an investor before crash & still here.

I feel we need to start discussing the issues instead of allowing the votes to just be voted based off emotions. Everyone is so fixated on this burn, that we’re completely distracted from what Luna Classic is supposed to be about.

We focused ENTIRELY too much on a burn, but for what benefit? I believe Luna Classic can be the ULTIMATE blockchain once we redirect our focus. We need to focus on the ecosystem, relationships, & right now. We are burning our bridges continuing with all these hashtags because we are so fixated on some magical burn to evaporate the excess.

We aren’t showing our best side, folks.

Binance asked the community to adhere to a few requests, but we are failing to see short term & their side. We are also being very emotional crybabies about it. Trust me. I have gone through my own process of thoughts. We aren’t being fair as a community. We just want burn. Nothing else. Nothing more. I know I’m speaking from my own experience, but it’s making me feel like I am desperate & clueless when I know I’m not. I know I am very passionate by how I am bringing this.

We need to rebuild our ecosystem, by engaging with more places who may want to partner up with us. We need to develop a relationship with the community. We need more AMA talks w/INVESTORS in what they want to see.

We are doing what I believe DoKwon attempted to do, was just build a market cap to say he built it & then got opportunistic. He claims that Luna Classic was his life, despite what his action showed us.

What I visualize is seeing dao/dapps/etc flourish, helping people develop over our web3 metaverse. We shouldn’t build a marketcap just to leave it susceptible to more bad actors. These are the thing we should be focusing on.

DoKwon defrauded you out of the dreams & the potential of Luna Classic. Con artists are known to jump from one thing to another. It’s an insatiable, unhealthy desire to have it all. Dominate. It’s toxic, scary & crazy.

People who build things & dedicate their lives to a dream, they don’t drain/crash one thing & bounce to another. THAT’S CRAZY & WRONG. It just is.

Right now, as investors, we need to not only protect what’s left of our investments but we also need to look at restoring faith in ourselves.

We, as a community, need to stop running at potential partnerships like we currently are because we come off looking desperate, erratic & we’re not.

This is why I’m using my platform & to voice to implore CEX & others to encourage us to build up, not just focus on a burn. I think if we start looking at other avenues to reduce the excess supply, we’ll find ourselves really looking at a plethora of opportunities.

We need to draw people back to the cause.

What’s Luna Classic’s mission? How are we going to rebuild the ecosystem? How are we going to rebuild the inner infrastructure?

Recently, I have been looking at policy writing & you’d never believe how much bureaucracy goes into that. Luna Classic is the same way. We can’t look at this and say we just want to burn everything & then we will be great. No.

We should build while we chop off the excess weight. That’s how things get absorbed, how things get start to develop & build into something greater.

We really need to get on board. I am willing to message and meet with people. I have plenty of ideas, thoughts, & strategies. We can do this. We can do this together as a community.

Let’s work on our image. Let’s work on how we present ourselves to the other communities.

I am very passionate about the rebuilding of Luna Classic. We need to personalize this because all people see is we want some martyr to come in & just burn us back to where we were. That’s not who we are & that’s not what we want not our image. We screwed up. Not in a bad way. We allowed unrealistic expectations & ego to run Luna Classic.

We have a once in a lifetime opportunity to make this right. We need to rebuild the ecosystem & infrastructure. We need to rebuild trust from the ground up in order to be succeed this time around & stay that way.



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