Time to bring LunaClassic to the US
Rebuilding is everything. We can no longer trust Wall Street & SEC to have the greater good at the helm of doing what’s right!
I’m passionate about crypto because it’s the catalyst. Its what will free us from the government that abuses us. It will free so much. It reveals so much. The US essentially knows we’ve run the clock. In many instances, its really time.
Democrats are at fault because we have been too generous. I grew up Democrat. I still believe in your rights as a human but its time we start figuring this out. You are asking us to bail out companies who have been bilking our retirements, our 401ks, everything. Yet we are in a standstill because we don’t want to admit that we are the ones with egg on our face.
We also need to face this isn’t about money. It’s about accountability. It’s always about that.
Wall Street has been fleecing for as long as time can really document. These last 10 years was to fix it, not punt it down the end. Right now, either Democrats are going to pull a major stunt that makes this all go away & look in their favor. or… I don’t know.
Its not looking very positive. They seem to be focused on everything but the issue. This is your time. Hold your positions. Work on new projects because when the market blows, i think the only thing left standing is gold, silver $ crypto.
They’re using media hard core to CONVINCE us that nothing is wrong but its wrong. Very wrong. I mean, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to notice signs.
I come from an abusive background, but I often times knew something was very wrong when I was getting pretty much everything I wanted but not the ONE thing I wanted. I mean, look.. They have been trying to deflect and say hey look at all this good we’re doing for everyone. Don’t you see all the bills we’re passing.
Something is wrong. They know there’s something wrong & now here we are. I know it sounds crazy. They are trying to get things in protection. They have to be. I mean what the heck would you go after Kim Kardashian, like seriously? The fact she’s mute makes me think this is all show. This is just eerie & whacked out.
The US wants a slice of the crypto pie because no one wants to be in the stock market anymore. I know I speak for my family, but I have completely lost faith in the US free market. We aren’t free. We just aren’t.
Stop acting like we are.
We are being gaslit so hard. Trust me, this is hard to say. I’m an investor. I watch my money as best as I can, but how sneaky can you be to slip in money for another country when we can barely take care of anything at home? That’s insane. Why are we being allies with OUR money, like its your money. It’s not. The system is eating us and the government seems to want that because if we’re starved, dependent on their “benefits”
Omg, people we need to wake up. This is exactly what happened to me when I was in foster care. This is not okay. The government seems to think that you have no say over your money & where it goes.
Lately, I haven’t been feeling things. I’ve been feeling so off, like something needs to shatter. Needs to be said & exposed. I don’t agree with politics but when you hurt me with MY OWN money then I feel I have to do something. This isn’t right.
I have been obsessed with Terra Classic, because guess what? We had bad actors that literally drained us and screwed us so bad & that’s what I feel is about to happen with the US.
We are rebuilding the lunaclassic chain. We are re-establishing alliances. We are slowly picking ourselves up. We are doing what we can as a community to build ourselves up. I don’t trust the US banking systems & most don’t. We just have no choice, so they think. They think that there’s no other choice. Some are starting to wake up and see how bad it is.
Luna Classic is the people’s chain. Just like states should have their rights. Our money shouldn’t be going where it’s not supposed to be. Which brings me to another point. No one should profit off Luna Classic’s demise. That’s not right. I know that’s not right. We would be chastised & blasted in our respective communities. No one should be carrying one’s weight without something in return.
I can totally make everything that I see recently about rebuilding. The US politics & banking need to let go & stop holding everyone hostage. People are dying. People are losing their basic rights over this intolerable corporate greed we are seeing. When does it end? When does the dominos finally come down. This is about humanity. Just like Luna Classic was. We are human. We shouldn’t be dictated by ego or greed. If we’re going to use Jesus or Christianity in anything. This is certainly not the way.
When are the People start protesting this nonsense? When are we going to start knocking it over? We are way overdue. Its time to rebuild Rome again..