Title: The Gangster’s Guide to Going Legit: Fixing Your Credit Like a Boss

Andrea Koury Judkins
3 min readDec 6, 2023


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Hey there,

So, you’re a street-smart individual who’s looking to clean up your act and step into the world of legit finance, huh? Well, you’ve come to the right place. Fixing your credit is like planning the perfect heist, but instead of taking, you’re giving back to your future. Let’s dive into how you can turn your credit score from a rap sheet to a resume.

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1. Goodwill Letters: Making Amends, Gangster Style

You know the drill in our world — it’s all about respect and relationships. Write a goodwill letter to your creditors. It’s like smoothing things over with an old associate. Be honest, admit where you slipped up, and ask them nicely to cut you some slack. It’s about turning enemies into allies.

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2. Boosting Credit Limits: Expanding Your Territory

Asking for a credit limit increase? It’s like expanding your turf without stepping on anyone’s toes. Call up your credit card companies and show them you’re the new boss in town — responsible, reliable, and ready for more control. It’s all about proving you can handle more territory.

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3. Authorized User: The Credit Family

Getting added as an authorized user on someone else’s credit card is like being under the wing of a more established player. Choose a family member or a trusted friend with a solid credit history. It’s about using their reputation to bolster yours, but remember, mutual respect is key.

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4. Credit Builder Loans: Paying Your Dues

Think of credit builder loans as paying your dues to earn respect on the streets of credit. You borrow the dough, stash it away, and pay it back over time. It shows the big players (lenders) you’re serious about your financial reputation.

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5. Diversify Your Credit: Don’t Put All Your Eggs in One Basket

You wouldn’t rely on just one hustle to make your money, right? Same goes for credit. Mix it up — a little bit of this (credit cards), a little bit of that (loans). It shows you can handle different types of business.

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6. Cleaning Up Your Report: Snitching on Errors

Regularly check your credit report like you’d keep an eye on your territory. If you see any errors, snitch on them immediately. It’s not about loyalty; it’s about accuracy. Each corrected mistake cleans up your reputation.

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7. The Snowball Method: Knocking Down Debts One by One

The snowball method is like taking down your rivals one at a time. Start with the smallest debt and wipe it out. Then move to the next. It’s about gaining momentum and watching your debts fall like dominoes.

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Conclusion: From Streetwise to Finance Savvy

Turning your credit around is like going from a street gangster to a boardroom boss. It takes smarts, strategy, and a bit of swagger. Remember, in this game of credit, it’s all about playing it smart and staying two steps ahead. Keep your eyes on the prize, and soon you’ll be the one calling the shots in the legit world of finance.

Stay sharp,

gangsta chats



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