We Got the Burn, Now what?
Luna Classic is emulating passion, fierce & boldness.
I’ve been looking at ways I can contribute to helping rebuild & bring it back to its full potential. My focus is on justice for the investors. Justice doesn’t have to be just as bleak as it may seem. Justice is simply restoring trust, restoring a sense of peace. Growing up, I was raised. Ok. The problem happened, so how can we fix it? How can it get better after this?
I am accumulating. I am restoring my own confidence in my investment. You will see in my writing & what videos I decide to do. You will see the passion I have. I feel a certain type of way when unjust. We are the future. We were brought down by some horribly brutal people who couldn’t have cared less, but you know what? That’s not how the universe works. I know it sounds like mumbo jumbo
We are focusing on the infrastructure. We are focusing on bring more attention to the chain. Terra Rebels hopefully gets their funding through the generosity of our community. Its everything or nothing at this point. We won’t be discarded no more. We will not be quiet anymore. I’m proud of the significance of the progress that’s been made since the crash. My only hope is that we have several groups just tackling this from every angle. You are going to want to be part of this, because not only is it humane & decent to lend a hand wherever you feel comfortable being. We need you. We need marketing minds; developers will continue to come closer to us. Builders. Visionists
I am also calling my legal friends & community. There is still something murky in the water. I can’t place it, but you know when you get that feeling that you need to just act on it. You don’t know why or what’s going on. Yet, you know you have to keep going. Keep looking. Uncovering the rocks, digging it up. We need to rally around the community & their loss. The quicker we start forming as we are. I am PROUD, I MEAN PROUD to be part of this community. Good, bad, whatever. We ARE THE CHAIN.
Lately, I have been just searching, researching & developing networks. These are the people I hope we can make exemplify LUNA CLASSIC’s reach & presence. It deserves to be front & center while we figure out what happened. We cannot just abandon those we built with. You just can’t do that & then say that this was your life.
DoKwon is a bad actor in this. There is no doubt in my mind of this. Hear me out & I’m willing to fight for Luna Classic’s character. He can’t defend his stance. If you believe in something. You go back & you fight for it. You fight with your last breath. That’s what you do. If you want to instill military strategy. You don’t let a project or mission fail. Like it did.
The passion behind Luna Classic should make you want to just be around them anyways. My friends in the community suffered an incredulous set back, but instead of abandoning the project. It took a second, but the bearings were restored & everyone has that tentative hope. It’s a daily walk. I know that I am reluctant because when you see your portfolio take a massive hit. You just kinda go numb. You wonder if this it if this is the moment where you try to make sense.
Many went number but despite going numb, we felt as a community that we needed to trek forward. We have many that still carry DoKwon’s weight & think it’s okay to insult like DoKwon did. No one should EVER look down on you as an investor. Your money is valid, whether its .50c or 50m. Its still valid. You as a person are valid. Disassociate with anyone who makes you feel otherwise & that’s what I see. It’s a war waged on things that are supposed to defeat us and make us feel that we have enough. No, we don’t have enough. We need our chain to be thriving & while it is. It’s STILL not there. We have miles to go. Miles to run. Miles to walk.
This experience should prove to you that you are worthy as an investor. Most importantly as a person. I can’t wait to see what happens when this really takes off. I plan on putting ideas that maybe and hopefully some will take. You are always free to reach out to me. I am filled with a million ideas. That deserve to be on paper & to be implemented if it’s meant to be. Our world is all transactional. Which I understand is capitalism, but we can extend kindness through Luna Classic. There has been a lot of toxicity, and I am here hopefully to remind us of to be gentle yet firm, bold yet determined & be kind to your fellow brothers & sisters helping alongside you to rebuild the greatest chain ever. Justice will prevail.