Weaponizing the Context of Wording & Today’s Media. The adaption of Crypto is upon us.
Media has been scary since the 60s when women were being raped & murdered in front of their homes. Men being dragged, & I can get into some morbid stuff but then you won’t read further. We are being assaulted with context of wording & the actual meanings.
It’s really been bugging me today after reading a comment on Twitter by David Hogg. He called Elon Musk an free speech absolutist, & in my head. I thought, “kid, you kidding me? Where is that said in the Constitution?” Before you come at me, NOWHERE in the section where free speech is mention is the word absolutist anywhere near the word. It’s making sense as to what I feel is going on.
I see the problem more & more every day. This wasn’t what I was taught. After a certain age, you decide what to take in & what to disregard. You’re supposed to be taught that at home. You develop your own sense of thinking. You develop some common sense. Then you go to school & your teacher helps hone those ideals, yeah? Well, I’m scared for us all. We are literally allowing us to follow some guidelines to how we’re supposed to live. You know, I’ve been working behind the scenes for many years & some would call me whatever they perceive of me. What I feel we’ve lost as a society is our sense of individuality. We’ve chalked ourselves as the regulars, the common folk. We need out of that mind mentality which is where those who seem to think they hold the power over the world’s purse strings.
I knew from a young age the world wasn’t going to be great to me. I kept my hope. My dreams & ambitions. I like to browse through Twitter. Enter random keywords & see what people are doing. This is how I was inspired by this essay of the day. I don’t want to be that person where you just read & there’s no sense of substance of thinking & allowing yourself to freely enjoy this.
If we allow ourselves to just listen to one stream of info from one general spigot. We’re going to get more garbage than substance. I’ve been recently attempting to retrain my brain into recognizing my own self worth & successes. I believe wholly that we’re suffering from this because of the hold that’s over us. We aren’t creatures that are meant to be in one place, stuck.
When I was a kid, I was isolated a lot w/just toys & books. Sometimes if I was lucky a TV. Games. People told me to be quiet a lot. Do this. Do that. That’s the life of being in the system as a deformed kid whose mom died & dad was unknown. It seems shitty, but I believed Romans 8:28 when it talks about what is out there isn’t meant to hurt you but be a lesson & a blessing for the greater good. I grew up very different but I’m pretty confident my life lessons might help you get through these tough times. These types of situations bring out the survivalist in you & my intuition tells me, I want to be as hopeful as can be but there’s a sense of duty to warn each other of the impending dangers. We’ve been here before. We were devastated by so much. Yet, there’s hope & I want you to understand there are people here to help & guide you.
You may not understand my politics, or my orientation or whatever happened in the past but that’s what this system wants you to do is be gathered around stewing about things you can’t control while the system keeps you oppressed. People get upset w/Elon Musk for buying $TWTR are not thinking. Simple as that. You going to tell me you wouldn’t take this opportunity to create a vision you know is or could be possible? I don’t understand people because I’m not them, but I am me & that I do understand.
Allow yourself to think beyond what the systemic beliefs they try to instill in you with their “live streaming” TV. Why do you think #netNeutrality is so important. It keeps your mind free, & these big corporations who use psy ops tactics to keep you thinking this is normal. This isn’t normal. We shouldn’t be tied to a number that dictates whether we can have money or not, but our wealth. Our assets should be our own. You should be going after what is yours. Stop listening to statistics until you can follow the trail behind it. Sounds exhausting? Yes, because that’s what they (media & those trying to coerce you into herd mentality) & separate you from your assets/time/free will.
I know, I know it sound batshit crazy, but is it? The late 90s made sense. I recently watched a Nick in Time & the scene at the end where the HUGE money donor probably living off borrowed money/credit sneaks off the back door quietly after causing havoc, murder & a plethora of other issues. It made a lot of sense in the late 90s. Then it just went astray. We went astray. You know recently, it’s taken me a few moments to realize we have been living in super charge high speed drama from the media all the time. We literally live on impulse with little to no control. What a ride, eh?
Well, maybe its time we slowed down. We stop, look around & take a deep breath. It’s okay to do. In the meantime, I want you to check out #DOGE & #LUNC.. That’s something to think about & navigate. We have a lot of people who need to be prepared for the changes that seem to be coming faster than it once was.