What Jesus would be like if he had X.. 🤔

Andrea Koury Judkins
2 min readDec 10, 2023


I’m fascinated with what we can bring out..

It brings out my best & I can do it myself.

“Jesus Takes on Twitter: A Divine Comedy”

Hey Twitterverse, it’s J.C. here — yep, Jesus Christ in the digital flesh! I decided to hop on here to spread some cheer, and boy, is humanity a wild ride or what? #WalkingOnWaterIsEasierThanThis

@JesusOfNazareth (parody) Tweets:

1.Just turned water into wine at a wedding, and now everyone wants to friend me on Facebook. Guys, it was just a party trick! #WaterIntoWine #PartyFavors

2.Saw someone praying for more Instagram followers. Remember, it’s not about the number of followers, but the quality of your feed! #BlessedAreTheInfluencers

3.Tried to explain to my disciples about TikTok. Peter thought it was a new kind of sundial. Bless him. #LostInTranslation

4. Sermon on the Mount 2.0 coming up. Thinking of making it a webinar. Thoughts? #BlessedAreTheWebinarAttendees

5. To the guy who said, “Jesus, take the wheel,” while driving… I meant it metaphorically. #DrivingTipsFromJC

6. Walked on water again today. Still got it! But folks, don’t try this at home. #MiraclesNotStunts

7. Had a chat with a televangelist (won’t name names). Told him it’s easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than to understand his tax returns. #DivineTaxAdvice

8. My dad’s got the whole world in his hands. Me? I can barely handle my smartphone. #Omnipotentproblems

9. Trying to feed 5000 people with five loaves and two fish. Hello, does anyone know a good catering service? #MiracleMealPrep

10. Update: Fishes and loaves situation sorted. There’s even enough for leftovers. Who said miracles can’t be tasty? #LeftoversMiracle

JesusOfNazareth’s Final Tweet for the Day:

Hey folks, remember, life’s not about walking on water or turning water into wine. It’s about the small acts of love and kindness that truly make a difference. Stay blessed, stay kind, and maybe try a little humor today. It works miracles! #LoveOneAnother

— -

And that’s how Jesus would probably tackle Twitter — with a good dose of humor, a pinch of wisdom, and a whole lot of love! #JesusTweets

Saturday night vibes for me is reaching deep in & letting it out.




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